— iIT-Services


As written a while ago already, password-protected Excel worksheets can be unlocked through a VBA script:

Even more simple is the approach through editing the XML source of the Excel file, as described by paracon.ca/…:

  1. Rename your file by adding *.zip to its extension.
  2. Open the zip file.
  3. Browse to the path ‘xl > worksheets’ folder.
  4. Extract the protected sheet xml file to local drive.
  5. Open the xml and delete the markup text <sheetProtection …>.
  6. Save and close the xml file.
  7. Overwrite the original xml in the zip folder with the file from local drive.
  8. Close the zip file and rename the file by removing the .zip extension.
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Create and share meeting polls. With a meeting poll, an appointment can be made with several people. With a booking list, predefined appointments can be booked by other people: https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/.

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On Nuudle, one can create polls to arrange an appointment or other simple surveys. In contrary to its sibling Doodle, Nuudle is fully anonymous, without any user-tracking, advertisement etc.: https://nuudel.digitalcourage.de.

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[German] Large collection of Outlook Tools and Add-ins, for mails, calendar, contacts, security/virus scanning, and more: outlook-stuff.com/tools.html.

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Powerful suite of software to run entire businesses with 45+ integrated applications. With Zoho one can manage, connect, and automate business processes across whole organizations: zoho.com.

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Automated transcripts and translations in 40+ languages: https://sonix.ai/.

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Remove the document protection from Word files without knowing the actual password (doesn’t work for files with password protection to open):

  1. Open the Word file in question (doc, docx)
  2. Choose “File”, “Save File As”, and make sure the file format is set to “Rich-Text-Format (*.rtf)”. Close the file in Word (important!)
  3. Open the new Rich-Text file with a text editor (e.g. Notepad or Notepad++). You can do so by dragging and dropping it into the editor window, or choose “File”, “Open File”, and set the file format to “All files (*.*)”.
  4. Find (ctrl-f) “passwordhash” and replace the string that follows with something else (e.g. “nopassword”). Save and close the file in your text editor.
  5. Re-open the modified Rich-Text file in Word, go to “Review”, “Restrict Editing” and click on “Stop Protection” (german version: “Überprüfen” – “Bearbeitung Einschränken” – “Schutz aufheben”). Uncheck all tick-boxes.
  6. Done. You’ve unprotected your Word file without ever knowing the password.
  7. Optional: Convert your file back to its original file format by selecting “File”, “Save As”, and choosing the original file format.

from: http://www.thinkoholic.com/2015/02/16/remove-unknown-password-protected-word-files.

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