— iIT-Services


iA Writer offers a unique writing experience that lets you concentrate and clarify your message. Its powerful interface is crafted to cut out noise, let you focus on what you want to say, and help you structure and trim your text. Available for Mac, iOS, Windows, and Android: https://ia.net/writer.

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Automated transcripts and translations in 40+ languages: https://sonix.ai/.

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Slido is a simple Q&A and polling platform for virtual trainings and teaching. Slido helps prioritizing the discussion topics for conference Q&As, panel discussions or all-hands meetings. It supports audience engagement, quizzes, brainstorming etc. and can be integrated with tools like Powerpoint, Google Slides, Teams, Zoom, YouTube, Facebook live etc.: www.sli.do.

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As a teacher, MikeMcKinley1 regularly marks up his PowerPoint presentations and saves the markup to send to his students at the end of the class. Then before the beginning of the next class with a different group of students, he erases/deletes all of his ink markings in a powerpoint file using the “Delete All Comments and Ink in This Presentation” function.

Unfortunately, the “Delete All Comments and Ink in This Presentation” option is gone in Powerpoint 2016 Version 1805. It seems to be replaced by the “Hide Ink” function. But when the “Hide Ink” function is used, the old ink reappears when trying to write on the slide. Going through each slide and laboriously select the ink and delete it is obnoxious.

Therefore, the following Macro has to do the job:

Sub zapInk()
    Dim osld As Slide
    Dim L As Long
    For Each osld In ActivePresentation.Slides
        For L = osld.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
            If osld.Shapes(L).Type = 23 Then osld.Shapes(L).Delete
        Next L
    Next osld
End Sub

Copied from: answers.microsoft.com…

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This is a step-by-step manual to configure a Limesurvey poll to show X questions from a (random) selection of Y question groups.

The proof of concept can be accessed here: https://survey.toolsforresearch.com/index.php/345678. The compliation was borrowed from Tony Partner:

The full manual can be found here: https://toolsforresearch.com/limesurvey-randomly-show-x-out-of-y-question-groups and an excerpt of it is copied below.

1) The slider to choose the number of groups (variable x)

Create a ‘Multiple numerical input’ question with Qcode ‘gcount’. The maximum should match the number of random groups within randomization group (‘y’).

Add a subquestion ‘1’. The variable ‘x’ will be stored in ‘gcount_1’.

2) Random groups

Create the random groups: ‘randGroups1’ in randomization group.

3) Equation in each random group

Every random group should start with a hidden question of the equation type.

The value of the equation is the sum of the RelevanceStatuses for all the other groups in the same Randomization group.

4) Questions within a random question group

The trick is that every (visible) question within each random group must have a relevance equation that checks if the equation of the current random group is less than gcount_1 (the ‘x’ variable). The relevance equation is entered in the general options of each question.

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Disclaimer: Do not circumvent DRM. Always assure compliance.

  1. Downlaod “Kindle App” on PC.
  2. Locate *.azw-file of relevant manuscript under C:\Users\<…>\Documents\My Kindle Content\<…>_EBOK.
  3. Import into Calibre (make sure to have the right plug-ins installed – esp. DeDRM & KFX-Conversion).
  4. Convert manuscript in Calibre to PDF or whatever format.
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A free, open-source PHP web application for producing modular internet-based courses that support a modern social constructionist pedagogy: http://moodle.org.

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