— iIT-Services

As written a while ago already, password-protected Excel worksheets can be unlocked through a VBA script:

Even more simple is the approach through editing the XML source of the Excel file, as described by paracon.ca/…:

  1. Rename your file by adding *.zip to its extension.
  2. Open the zip file.
  3. Browse to the path ‘xl > worksheets’ folder.
  4. Extract the protected sheet xml file to local drive.
  5. Open the xml and delete the markup text <sheetProtection …>.
  6. Save and close the xml file.
  7. Overwrite the original xml in the zip folder with the file from local drive.
  8. Close the zip file and rename the file by removing the .zip extension.
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Links being in the following format: https://cfvod.kaltura.com/hls/p/<other link text>/name/a.mp4/seg-1-v1-a1.ts

Here is my full method for Chrome:

  1. open developer tools F12, go to network tab
  2. reload page
  3. play video, look for ts entries in left pane, e.g. seg-11-v1-a1.ts, click on name
  4. copy request URL in right pane e.g. https://cfvod.kaltura.com/hls/p/<link text>/name/a.mp4/seg-11-v1-a1.ts
  5. paste this in new browser window
  6. remove “hls” at beginning of link and the final subdirectory, e.g.
    https://cfvod.kaltura.com/hls/p/<link text>/name/a.mp4/seg-11-v1-a1.ts
    https://cfvod.kaltura.com/p/<more link text>/name/a.mp4
  7. load page
  8. MP4 can now be downloaded by clicking Download on HTML player controls (three dots menu)

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56366523/obtaining-direct-download-link-for-an-embedded-kaltura-video.

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Full integration, editable calendar with two-way synchronisation – more complicated than it could be: https://frightanic.com/apple-mac/thunderbird-icloud-calendar-sync/.

For the sync of contacts, the URL is: https://<serverID>-contacts.icloud.com/<user>/carddavhome/card/. See: https://support.mozilla.org/bm/questions/1384897.

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Simple online service to let people pay to send you emails/service requests: ningo.me. – though, it remains unclear who the service provider of ningo.me is, since the company behind the product hast been renamed and rebranded in June 2021 without disclosing so on the product page. –> Deprecated, service discontinued (14.6.2024)

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Automatische Transkription, mit Schweizer Mundart-Erkennung und Branchenfokus: recapp.ch.

Der Dienst töggl ist ein KI-getriebenes Spracherkennungsprogramm mit Fokus auf Schweizer Sprachen, insbesondere Schweizerdeutsch. Satzzeichen werden von selbst gesetzt. Segmentierung nach Sprechern erfolgt ebenfalls automatisch. Nach dem Transkribieren kann der Text manuell überarbeitet und anschliessend exportiert werden: xn--tggl-5qa.ch, töggl.ch.

Review by Digitec “Schwiizertüütsch transkribieren – Töggl im Test”: digitec.ch/de/page/schwiizertueuetsch-transkribieren-toeggl-im-test-22436.

Trint’s AI turns audio & video files to text in 30+ languages. Tell stories faster by transcribing, translating, editing and collaborating in a single workflow: trint.com.

Weitere Reviews: blog.clickomania.ch/2023/02/03/transkriptions-tools-im-vergleich/#4-3, blog.clickomania.ch/2021/12/08/toeggl-ch/.

Weiteres Tool: iit-services.ch/stt4sg.

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Research project on a sentence-level transcription engine from Swiss German audio to Standard German text, by FHNW & ZHAW: https://stt4sg.fhnw.ch.

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When you mail merge and send it as an email, Microsoft does not give you an option to attach a file. The “Outlook Mail Merge Attachment” is a small VB script (similar to a Macro) that attaches a separate file to the emails before sending them: https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/tld/home/how_to/how-to_resources/microsoft_word/email_-mail_merge-_with_attachment or http://omma.sourceforge.net.

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