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Tag "VBA"

Protecting MS Excel Worksheets with passwords can be user-friendly. No one fiddles with the configuration. Yet, if you need to administer the sheets, lost passwords are a pain. So, in case you need to unprotect a sheet – and obviously only if you have the right to do so! – the following VBA code snippet can help:

Sub LittleMagicPasswordBreaker()
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
    Dim l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer
    Dim i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer, i3 As Integer
    Dim i4 As Integer, i5 As Integer, i6 As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For i = 65 To 66: For j = 65 To 66: For k = 65 To 66
    For l = 65 To 66: For m = 65 To 66: For i1 = 65 To 66
    For i2 = 65 To 66: For i3 = 65 To 66: For i4 = 65 To 66
    For i5 = 65 To 66: For i6 = 65 To 66: For n = 32 To 126
    ActiveSheet.Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) _
        & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) & _
        Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n)
    If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then
        MsgBox "One usable password is " & Chr(i) & Chr(j) & _
            Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & _
            Chr(i3) & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n)
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
    Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
End Sub

Just open the VBA editor ([Alt]+[F11]), copy the snippet into a new VBA Module of the Excel worksheet, and execute (Run or [F5]).

Credits to: https://www.iseepassword.com/crack-ms-excel-password.html#part1

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A great way to save attachments from multiple selected items in MS Outlook (VBA macro by technet.microsoft.com): https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/office/Save-attachments-from-5b6bf54b.

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