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As a teacher, MikeMcKinley1 regularly marks up his PowerPoint presentations and saves the markup to send to his students at the end of the class. Then before the beginning of the next class with a different group of students, he erases/deletes all of his ink markings in a powerpoint file using the “Delete All Comments and Ink in This Presentation” function.

Unfortunately, the “Delete All Comments and Ink in This Presentation” option is gone in Powerpoint 2016 Version 1805. It seems to be replaced by the “Hide Ink” function. But when the “Hide Ink” function is used, the old ink reappears when trying to write on the slide. Going through each slide and laboriously select the ink and delete it is obnoxious.

Therefore, the following Macro has to do the job:

Sub zapInk()
    Dim osld As Slide
    Dim L As Long
    For Each osld In ActivePresentation.Slides
        For L = osld.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
            If osld.Shapes(L).Type = 23 Then osld.Shapes(L).Delete
        Next L
    Next osld
End Sub

Copied from: answers.microsoft.com…

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