— iIT-Services

Tag "Media"

Links being in the following format: https://cfvod.kaltura.com/hls/p/<other link text>/name/a.mp4/seg-1-v1-a1.ts

Here is my full method for Chrome:

  1. open developer tools F12, go to network tab
  2. reload page
  3. play video, look for ts entries in left pane, e.g. seg-11-v1-a1.ts, click on name
  4. copy request URL in right pane e.g. https://cfvod.kaltura.com/hls/p/<link text>/name/a.mp4/seg-11-v1-a1.ts
  5. paste this in new browser window
  6. remove “hls” at beginning of link and the final subdirectory, e.g.
    https://cfvod.kaltura.com/hls/p/<link text>/name/a.mp4/seg-11-v1-a1.ts
    https://cfvod.kaltura.com/p/<more link text>/name/a.mp4
  7. load page
  8. MP4 can now be downloaded by clicking Download on HTML player controls (three dots menu)

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56366523/obtaining-direct-download-link-for-an-embedded-kaltura-video.

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Automated transcripts and translations in 40+ languages: https://sonix.ai/.

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Capture, edit, and share audio and video. Descript is an all-in-one audio and video editor that makes editing as easy as a doc. Upload media or record directly in Descript to instantly transcribe your file into text, then tweak the text to directly edit your media clips. Edit out filler words and silent gaps with a single click. Record your screen and webcam for presentations and video messages and edit out mistakes before publishing. Export your project to other pro apps: descript.com.

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iTools is a simple and powerful tool for iPad, iPhone, iPod touch users. It is 100% freeware and green, even do not need to install onto your PC, it has no ads or plugins in it. iTools is powerful, can easily manage media, iBooks, pictures and other files in your iDevices; it can help install, uninstall and backup your apps; it also can backup and restore your folders. iTools can help you manage your files in iDevices like windows: http://pro.itools.cn/itools3_en.


Post edited at Sept 28, 2017: According to Wordfence, the tool URL is listed on Google’s list of malware sites to potentially contain suspected malware.

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Prototypes and products for media makers.

The Lab develops prototypes, projects and services that help make information meaningful, promoting quality journalism, storytelling and content on the internet. Projects arise in response to ideas from news consumers, students, and faculty as well as news publishers of all sizes. Find entry points into some of the Lab’s projects and services like TimelineSoundcite and twXplorerhttp://projects.knightlab.com.

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